I am duck_master:
- a lifelong mathematics enthusiast
- a native of Greater Boston in Massachusetts
- an MIT undergrad (majoring in course 18C, and class of 2026)
- an English Wikipedia and Wikidata editor
- ethnically Chinese-American
- a native speaker of American English, an ok speaker of French (I studied French in high school), and an extremely bad speaker of Mandarin Chinese
- male and cishet (so my pronouns are he/him/his and so on)
- vaguely (post)rationalist
- vaguely agnostic
- a coder (occasionally)
- a pianist (very occasionally)
a writer (actually, I am pretty bad at writing per se)
For further information about who I am, see my about-me page.
I also made a page about how I made this website.
my accounts
(in approximately descending order of activity; inactive or defunct accounts are crossed out)